In 2015 - my senior year of high school - I self-published my first novel: a science-fiction story in which a young brother’s search for his stolen sister pulls him into a war fought by superhuman soldiers.

Alteration - Now Available
Far from home, Damian’s desire to find his stolen sister entrenches him in a conflict in which soldiers are imbued with powers that transcend human ability. A story about selfishness of all shades, Damian must force himself past all known limits, until he scrapes against the darkest depths of his own humanity… if there’s anything left of it to salvage.

Behind the Writing
The Alteration story has been with me in parts and pieces since all the way back in my middle school days, but for a long time it was merely that: pieces. Just a few scattered plot moments and a loose sci-fi mythos. Going into high school, I knew I wanted to write, and I also knew I didn’t want to wait. So I got to work. I stepped back and looked at everything I had, smoothed it out into a solid narrative, and brought in some lifelong inspirations of mine - post-apocalyptic video game settings and superhero stories. And thus served as the basis for what became Alteration: a story of a young man becoming a soldier, and in doing so surpassing all known physical limits, while falling into the darkest and most raw depths of his own humanity.