Dreaming and Screaming


My unscored takes on video games, films, music albums, whatever might have currently tickled or untickled my fancy.

'Malignant' Review

Cutting out

Whether or not Malignant's central twist works isn't the question, I feel. On the one hand, there isn't an ounce of levity in either the dialogue or the subject matter, suggesting we're to take the threat seriously. However, the central twist is so far off the wall, so bogglingly bonkers, it is virtually impossible to behold it with a straight face. Probably sounds like a classic recipe for failure, but here's the thing: on its own, Malignant isn't a great movie; it's not particularly scary, nor the most compellingly written. But they could have played it so much safer. The tank was full, the seat warmers were on, the car was already cruising into a very safe, very expected resolution, and yet they gunned the accelerator straight down Bonkers Avenue. For that, I feel a need to commend, for now I have something by which Malignant will remain committed to my memory, which is plenty more than I can say for a lot of recent horror fare.